Tuesday 1 October 2013

My BMD design


To create my work I had to first draw up the image I wanted for the quote, as my quote was "over the years I have learnt that what is important in a dress is the woman wearing it" - Yves Saint Laurent I felt that a dress would be the most relevant  symbol to represent the meaning of this quote. 

I then had to scan it into photoshop so I was able to save it and open in illustrator and found that my design didn't show up as clear as it did in my book and some of the words were unreadable where the writing got thicker and it blended into other words or into the outline. For example I had to rewrite two words on the neckline and left shoulder, shown in the image below. 

Using the selection and pen tool I was able to recreate the words so that I was able to read them, I found this quite challenging when I first done it the week before but I found that this time although it isn't as perfect as I would like it is loads better then my previous goes.  

I kept my image black and white as I felt adding colour may have ruined it and as we're putting it onto a t-shirt I felt the black and white contrast would be more dramatic and keep it as the main feature of the tshirt.